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FY24 Special GGA Funding Opportunities

One of the four commitments of the Genetics and Genomics Academy (GGA) is enhancing interdisciplinary graduate education in genetics and genomics (G&G). We recognize that graduate students often face special challenges in finalizing research and proposal writing. These challenges include but are not limited to the need for funds to complete experiments and the ending of research assistantships. Students who are working as teaching assistants or working outside the university have limits on the time available to complete dissertations. This year (FY24) the GGA has funding to help with these situations.

The GGA is setting aside up to $125,000 of its FY24 funds for dissertation improvement grants. Individual budgets are expected to range from $5000 to $25,000. All funds must be used by June 30, 2024. Students must be within 1-year of completing their degree.

One of the four commitments of the Genetics and Genomics Academy (GGA) is enhancing interdisciplinary genetics and genomics (G&G) research. We recognize that faculty members are often faced with a situation in which a grant proposal receives very positive reviews except for the need of more compelling preliminary data. In some cases, faculty have ongoing grants that can appropriately provide funds to collect the needed data, but in other cases a hiatus in funding can become incredibly stressful for a lab. This year (FY24) the GGA has funding to help with this situation. The GGA is setting aside up to $125,000 of its FY24 budget for bridge funding. Proposals can range from $10,000 to $40,000 and can include salaries, supplies, sequencing costs, imaging costs and/or related costs. If needed, the GGA will provide free assistance with proposal revision.

One of the four commitments of the Genetics and Genomics Academy (GGA) is enabling all undergraduate students to gain general knowledge of genetics and genomics (G&G) and the ways in which it impacts their lives. We are offering four 1-credit courses in Spring 2024 aimed primarily at students who aren’t majoring in the life sciences (e.g. no course requirements). We are aiming to expand the offerings in Fall 2024. Many of our faculty, postdocs, professional staff and graduate students are passionate about specific topics in G&G that could be exciting to undergraduate students and would provide them with a better general understanding of G&G. The GGA has funding for individuals who want to develop a 1-credit course ($4000 per course). Learn more about course development and fill out the form below.

One of the four commitments of the Genetics and Genomics Academy (GGA) is enhancing interdisciplinary genetics and genomics (G&G) research. The GGA wants to encourage multi-investigator, interdisciplinary proposals and is setting aside up to $200,000 of its FY24 budget for seed funding. Proposals can range from $25,000 to $100,000 and can include salaries, supplies, sequencing costs, imaging costs and/or other related costs. All funds must be expended by June 30, 2024. (If a graduate student stipend is included the deadline is December 15, 2023).

One of the four commitments of the Genetics and Genomics Academy (GGA) is enabling North Carolina residents to become more informed about genetics and genomics (G&G) and the ways in which it impacts their lives. Many GGA members are involved in outreach activities that address this commitment. We are setting aside $50,000 in FY24 to offset costs of carrying out these activities. The funds can cover items such as travel, materials, and/or food.