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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Genes and Genomes Graduate Minor (IPGG)

The Interdisciplinary Genetics and Genomics (GG) Minor is designed to include students from a variety of life sciences programs at NC State and builds on the philosophy that the exploration of genes and genomes informs all fields of biology. The GG Minor will help build a strong, cohort-based graduate community representing excellence in education and research.  Cultural and scientific diversity is key to the GG Minor, and applications are encouraged from students identifying with groups typically underrepresented in STEM fields. 

The GG Minor program is an innovative, project-based curriculum that integrates foundational conceptual training in genetics and genome-scale techniques with big data analysis and professional development. The GG Minor students will provide a critical opportunity for students to join a community-based learning environment to understand how to help develop the tools needed for working with diverse teams on collaborative scientific projects. One of the goals of the Minor is to help students be involved in and build the capacity for interdisciplinary research within the fields of genetics and genomics. The curriculum associated with the minor will provide hands-on opportunities to develop white papers or proposals with an interdisciplinary group.  

One of the missions at NC State is to develop university-wide interdisciplinary research that informs society and based on this goal, there is even more of a need to provide our natural science students with exposure to the societal and cultural aspects of genetics and genomics.

Participation in the GG Scholars Program and curriculum will confer the IPGG Minor.


12 credit hours from a list of approved courses are required, all of which must come from the list of core GGS courses. The choice of courses is consistent with the interdisciplinary outlook of this minor, namely that students will learn the basic concepts and principles underlying genetic and genomics. 

List of approved courses:

Core courses (12 credit hours total):

  • GGS 770 Genetics and Genomics Survey Course (6 credit hours)
  • GGS 771 Data Science for Genetics & Genomics (3 credit hours)
  • GGS 840 Professional Development & Ethics in Genetics & Genomics (3 credit hours)

Additional courses may be added to the approved list, as determined by the Executive Committee. Courses may be substituted at the Directors’ discretion.

Minor Director

Martha Burford Reiskind

Director of GGA Graduate Programs, Associate Professor

Minor Faculty Reps