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Dr. David Rodriguez, Texas State University

Stephens Room, 3503 Thomas Hall OR Zoom 112 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

Unraveling post-invasion dynamics of the amphibian-killing fungus in Ecuadorian forests via portable genetic instrumentation David Rodriguez, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at Texas State University Website | Twitter Abstract Measuring genetic diversity contributes to the delineation of operational taxonomic units, evolutionarily significant units, designation of management units, and informs evolutionary hypotheses explaining…

Dr. Douda Bensasson, University of Georgia

Stephens Room, 3503 Thomas Hall OR Zoom 112 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

Predicting microfungal evolution and ecology from genome data Dr. Douda Bensasson, Associate Professor in Bioinformatics, Plant Biology and Fungal Biology at University of Georgia Website | Twitter Abstract TBD The GGA Seminar Series is held In-Person and on Zoom:

Dr. Rebekah Rogers, UNC Charlotte

Stephens Room, 3503 Thomas Hall OR Zoom 112 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

Genetic Basis of Adaptation in Freshwater Mussels Rebekah Rogers, Ph.D., Associate Professor Dept of Bioinformatics and Genomics at UNC Charlotte Website | Twitter Abstract Freshwater Unionid bivalves have recently faced ecological upheaval through pollution, barriers to dispersal, human harvesting, and changes in fish-host prevalence. Currently, over 70% of species are threatened, endangered or extinct. To…

Dr. Lina Quesada, NC State University

Stephens Room, 3503 Thomas Hall OR Zoom 112 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

Applied genomics for disease management in vegetable crops Lina Quesada, Ph.D., Professor and University Faculty Scholar at NC State University Website | Twitter Abstract Pseudoperonospora cubensis, an obligate oomycete pathogen, causes cucurbit downy mildew (CDM) on a broad range of host plants including cucumber, cantaloupe, watermelon, pumpkin, and squash. In 2004, CDM re-emerged in the…

Dr. Courtney Hollender, Michigan State University

Stephens Room, 3503 Thomas Hall OR Zoom 112 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

The Mysterious Case of The Weeping Peach & Other Fruitful Adventures into The Regulation of Plant Architecture Courtney Hollender, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Horticulture at Michigan State University Website | Twitter Abstract My research program is focused on answering fundamental questions about plant growth and development that are applicable to tree fruit production. Shoot architecture…

GGA Student Flash Talks

Stephens Room, 3503 Thomas Hall OR Zoom 112 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

To kick-off a new semester of the Genetics and Genomics Seminar series, we are inviting our cohorts of GGA students to give 5-minute Flash Talks about their research. Join us in Stephens Room (3503 Thomas Hall) to hear about the exciting, innovative research of the students of the GGA community. Immediately after the Flash Talks…

Event Series GGA Seminar Series

Eric Brooks, North Carolina State University

Stephens Room, 3503 Thomas Hall OR Zoom 112 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

Cellular Control of Cranial Neural Tube Closure Eric Brooks, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Quantitative Developmental Biology at North Carolina State Website Abstract Failure in cranial neural tube closure is a common and lethal human structural birth defect. Cranial closure requires a dramatic inversion of tissue curvature of the initially outwardly convex neural folds, which drives…

Event Series GGA Seminar Series

Audrey Gasch, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Stephens Room, 3503 Thomas Hall OR Zoom 112 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

Cellular impacts of chromosomal aneuploidy in disease, aging, and evolution Audrey Gasch, Ph.D., Professor of Genetics, Director of the UW-Madison Center for Genomic Science Innovation Website | Twitter Abstract Aneuploidy, the state in which cells carry an abnormal number of one or more chromosomes, is associated with major defects during mammalian development. Yet aneuploidy is frequent in…

Interdisciplinary Professional Development Workshop: Expanding your networks

CVM 1st Floor Conference Room, Room A101 William Rand Kenan, Jr. Library of Veterinary Medicine

Genetics and Genomics Scholars, AgBioFews, and Global One Health Fellows from all cohorts are invited to participate in monthly workshops on Fridays 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The topic for the October 20th workshop will be Expanding your Networks, addressing how to have successful collaborations in science, networking at conferences, cold contacts w/ faculty, social media for professional networking & career…

Event Series GGA Seminar Series

Patricia Wittkopp, University of Michigan

Stephens Room, 3503 Thomas Hall OR Zoom 112 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

Molecular and evolutionary processes generating variation in gene expression Patricia Wittkopp, Ph.D., Sally L. Allen Collegiate Professor and Arthur F Thurnau Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Twitter Abstract Genetic variation affecting gene expression is wide-spread within and among species. This variation reflects the combined actions of mutation introducing…

Event Series GGA Seminar Series

Kate Buckley, Auburn University

Stephens Room, 3503 Thomas Hall OR Zoom 112 Derieux Place, Raleigh, NC, United States

Rapidly evolving immune gene families in echinoderms Kate Buckley, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at Auburn University Twitter (X) Abstract Immune systems are responsible for mediating relationships between host cells and microbial life. This includes not only protection from harmful pathogens but also supporting the growth of a beneficial microbiota; the ability to differentiate among a vast…